Now that the year’s kicked off to a great start and spring is just round the corner, you might be thinking about some bigger business goals – perhaps even transitioning from domestic work to big commercial contracts?

Whatever your goals are, we’re here to help with a free tendering masterclass on 20 May at 10am, where our experts will share top strategies to help you stand out from the competition and secure those all-important bids. You’ll learn…

  • How to write compelling tender proposals
  • Tips for transitioning from domestic to commercial work
  • Best practices for meeting key HR and Health & Safety requirements
  • Proven ways to streamline your tendering process for greater success


…and much more! So, if this masterclass sounds like a bit of you, just click the ‘Register you place’ button on this page to secure your place!

Register your place
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About the speaker

Flora Neville

“Excellent – lots of information and good advice. Would recommend this to all businesses”

Patricia McEvoy, Manager People 1st

“Extremely informative. Learned a few things re Fire risk assessments etc, that I was unaware of and will be implementing immediately”

Fee Smith, QA Manager E Sidwell Ltd.

“The event was really useful and interesting – I’m sure once i have digested the information I will have lots of questions. Great speakers, great paced and worth attending”

Kerrianne Forbes, Manager Beacon Roofing

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