Author: Susannah Peck

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New national minimum wage rates announced

By Susannah Peck

The apprentice rate (for apprentices under age 19, or age 19 and over but in the first year of their...

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‘Employee shareholder’ scheme rejected by House of Lords

By Susannah Peck

  The proposals, which are part of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill, were rejected by 232 to 178 votes amid...

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Proposed TUPE reforms

By Susannah Peck

  The most far-reaching proposal is to repeal the rules that put most ‘service provision changes’, such as contract catering,...

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Electronic cigarettes

By Susannah Peck

  There is evidence from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency that some e-cigarettes currently on the market do...

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Increase in unpaid parental leave

By Susannah Peck

Under rules brought in by the European Parliament, from March this year UK employers will have to allow parents to...

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Citation brings in new Chief Executive Officer

By Susannah Peck

  Chris Morris joined as Finance Director in 2005 and was then quickly promoted to the role of Managing...

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Proposals to reform TUPE rules

By Susannah Peck

The most far-reaching proposal is to repeal the rules that put most ‘service provision’ changes, such as contract catering, cleaning...

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CBI’s key areas for review of AWR

By Susannah Peck

CBI Director of Employment and Skills, Neil Carberry, said: “The Regulations are thought to have cost businesses more than £1.5bn...

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Citation Publishes Gas Safety Awareness Information for Employers

By Susannah Peck

  Creating a warm, comfortable and inviting environment for workers is important, and for this reason boilers tend to work...

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Large-scale redundancies- An update

By Susannah Peck

Employment Relations Minister, Jo Swinson said, “We want to improve the quality of consultations by making sure that there are...

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