The employment law changes in 2024 that you need to know about

With an unprecedented year of changes in employment law, there’s a lot to unpack! So, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on the key employment law changes taking place in 2024 that you need to know about. As a business owner, staying informed about these updates is vital to make sure you’re staying compliant. Let’s dive into the essential changes you should be aware of this year.


Employment Law Changes 2024

The employment law changes for 2024 aim to enhance workplace rights and protections, promoting fair treatment and flexibility for employees. In this article, we’ll break down each change and explain what it means for employers. We’ll cover everything from paternity leave and protection from redundancy to flexible working requests and holiday entitlements.

As a business owner, staying on top of these changes means updating your policies and processes to stay compliant and avoid costly claims. Taking a proactive approach—like training your managers and making sure your policies and procedures are up to date — will save you time and money in the long run!

Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:

Paternity leave

There are a number of changes to paternity leave regulations that have come into effect to increase flexibility in taking paternity leave:

  • Employees taking paternity leave will now be able to take it as either a block of two weeks or two separate blocks of a week each, instead of a single period of either one or two weeks.
  • Leave can be taken within 52 weeks of birth or adoption (previously, it had to be taken in the first 8 weeks).
  • Employees will still need to notify the employer of their intention to take the leave (in birth cases) at least 15 weeks before the expected week of the birth or (in adoption cases) within seven days of being told that they have been matched with a child, but the notice required to specify the start date and length of a period of paternity leave will be reduced to 28 days.
  • These changes to paternity leave apply where the expected week of birth or the date for placement for adoption is on or after 6 April 2024.

For more information on paternity leave, see our paternity leave and pay guide.

Carer’s leave

The Carers Leave Act 2023came into force on 6 April. This gives a new day-one right for all employees to take up to one working week of unpaid carer’s leave per 12 months to provide or arrange for care for a dependant with a long-term care need.

Protection from redundancy

There is now greater protection against redundancy for employees on maternity leave, adoption leave and shared parental leave under the Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act. This protection requires that if a protected employee is at risk of redundancy and there are any suitable alternative vacancies, then the employer must offer the protected employee such alternative employment. As of 6 April 2024, these protections were extended as follows:

  • From the point the employer is made aware of the pregnancy up to 18 months after the birth of the child. For employees on adoption leave, the protection is extended to 18 months from the date of placement.
  • For employees taking less than 6 weeks shared parental leave, they’re protected during their period of leave. Employees taking more than 6 continuous weeks of shared parental leave are protected for 18 months from the birth of the child.

Flexible working requests

There are new rules around flexible working requests from 6 April 2024. Here’s what you need to know:

  • It is now a day-one right for employees to make a flexible working request. Previously, they had to have worked for the employer for 26 weeks before they could make a request.
  • Employees can make two applications every 12 months (rather than just one) and the employer must conclude the process within two months (rather than the previous three months).
  • Under the new rules, employers must consult with employees and explore alternative options before turning down a request.
  • Acas has issued an updated statutory code on flexible working requests that includes these changes.

Why not have a listen to our podcast: Flexible Working Changes 2024, or read our blog on what the Employment Relations Flexible Working Act means for employers?

Holiday entitlement

New rules have been introduced for calculating holiday entitlement and offering rolled-up holiday pay.

  • These changes only apply to part-year workers (employees who have at least one week per year where they do not work and for which they are not paid) and irregular hours workers (whose paid hours of work in each pay period are wholly or mostly variable).
  • These new holiday pay changes can be applied from holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024.
  • Holiday entitlement for these workers can be calculated at a rate of 12.07 % of the hours worked during that pay period.
  • Employers can also choose to introduce rolled-up holiday pay for these workers, which will be paid at a rate of 12.07% of pay for that pay period.
  • Accrual will continue during sick leave and statutory leave, e.g. maternity leave.

Neonatal care

Soon, employees will have a new day-one right to take up to 12 weeks of leave if a neonate (a child aged 28 days or younger) is admitted to hospital for a continuous period of seven days or more. These changes are expected to come into effect in 2025.

Sexual harassment

In October 2024, the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 will come into force. This will require employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of employees in the course of their employment.

Predictable working patterns

Another one coming into force in October 2024 – the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 will give a statutory right to workers to request a more predictable working pattern where their working pattern is unpredictable (which will include those on a fixed-term contract for less than 12 months).

Allocation of tips

If you work in the hospitality sector, this one’s particularly for you!

  • From 1 July, workers will be entitled to 100 per cent of the tips they receive without deductions from their employer, other than reductions required by law such as tax.
  • The tips must be paid to workers by the end of the month following the month in which the tip was paid.
  • Employers must have a written policy explaining how tips will be allocated and maintain records of tip allocation for at least three years that workers can access on request.
  • We are still waiting for the final version of the government’s Code of Practice on the distribution of tips to be published.

If you want to know how this will impact you and your staff, then take a look at our blog on everything employers need to know about the Employment Allocation of Tips Act.


Join Citation and get support with employment law changes in 2024

Navigating employment law changes can be tricky, especially when you have so much on your plate as a business owner. That’s why at Citation, we turn complicated into clarity. We’re here to support your business with expert HR and Employment Law services, so you’re clued up on the changes to employment law 2024. This includes:

Contact us today to learn how Citation can help your business thrive amidst the employment law changes 2024.

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