The EU Referendum and Employment Law 27.06.2016 European law is the source of many UK employment rights, but how could the decision to leave Europe impact your... Read the article
Happy staff, happy customers 24.06.2016 You might be sat there thinking this pink and fluffy HR nonsense is irrelevant to me, but stick with us... Read the article
5 top tips for employee engagement 07.06.2016 Engaging employees might not be top of your list when it comes to business priorities, but it can positively impact... Read the article
Will you play ball with flexible working? 07.06.2016 You’ll no doubt be aware that some of this year’s important matches are taking place during typical working hours. And,... Read the article
An Employer’s Guide to Holiday Pay 25.05.2016 Holiday pay in employment law can seem like a minefield, and as laws and regulations are changed – including as... Read the article
Making sense of Shared Parental Leave 12.04.2016 With the introduction of Shared Parental Leave (SPL) in 2015, employers have faced a daunting task of trying to make... Read the article
Now the National Living Wage is here, what’s next for employers? 07.04.2016 Earlier this month, the National Living Wage replaced the National Minimum Wage for employees over 25 years old in the... Read the article
Is the transport industry facing a recruitment crisis? 24.03.2016 Over the last decade, the transport industry has been facing a huge challenge. An ageing workforce coupled with a drop... Read the article
Employee Motivation Day 25.02.2016 Last year, Argos for Business introduced National Employee Motivation Day, a day designed to help promote appreciation of employees in... Read the article