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HR & Employment Law News

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Prisoner wins £32,000 for breach of contract


The employee was due to be made redundant by his employer but had agreed with the company that he could...

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Increased penalties for hiring illegal workers


The government has introduced tougher sanctions for business employing illegal workers, including the doubling of fines. Under the new rules...

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Proposals to curb ‘vaping’ in Wales


The Welsh government has launched a consultation on proposals to address a number of public health issues in Wales, including...

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Time off for prospective fathers to attend ante-natal appointments


Except for Northern Ireland, from 1 October 2014, prospective fathers of children who are expected to be born on or...

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Holiday Pay & Working Time Regulations


Employers who currently base holiday pay on basic pay are generally complying with the UK legislation (primarily the Working Time...

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Stopping violence at work


Violence at work is more common in workplaces where workers have face-to-face contact with the public, particularly those that are...

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Top Tips for Conducting Staff Appraisals


Staff appraisals are key not in just improving performance and efficient, but also staff engagement and motivation. An effective appraisal...

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Right to Flexible Working Extended to All


The government has now extended the right to request flexible working to all employees who have 26 or more weeks’...

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European Court Rules that Holiday pay should include lost commission


The ECJ came to the decision in the wake of the Lock vs. British Gas Trading Limited. Lock, who was...

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