Costly breach of Agency Workers Regulations 08.05.2013 The Watford Tribunal determined that Barnet LBC had failed to provide information on the number of agency workers it employed... Read the article
Consultation on administration of shared parental leave 03.05.2013 The consultation will look at how administering the new system will tie in with current arrangements for maternity/ adoption leave... Read the article
New national minimum wage rates announced 22.04.2013 The apprentice rate (for apprentices under age 19, or age 19 and over but in the first year of their... Read the article
‘Employee shareholder’ scheme rejected by House of Lords 09.04.2013 The proposals, which are part of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill, were rejected by 232 to 178 votes amid... Read the article
Proposed TUPE reforms 03.04.2013 The most far-reaching proposal is to repeal the rules that put most ‘service provision changes’, such as contract catering,... Read the article
Increase in unpaid parental leave 13.03.2013 Under rules brought in by the European Parliament, from March this year UK employers will have to allow parents to... Read the article
Proposals to reform TUPE rules 08.02.2013 The most far-reaching proposal is to repeal the rules that put most ‘service provision’ changes, such as contract catering, cleaning... Read the article
CBI’s key areas for review of AWR 06.02.2013 CBI Director of Employment and Skills, Neil Carberry, said: “The Regulations are thought to have cost businesses more than £1.5bn... Read the article