9 funny Health & Safety signs


Health & Safety signs and symbols are critical when it comes to communicating hazards in and around your business. They warn workers to watch out for risks, they provide important information, and they display potentially life-saving instructions.

Although Health & Safety signs themselves are by no means a laughing matter, we couldn’t resist putting our own light-hearted spin on an otherwise serious subject…Enjoy!

1. Work hard, play harder!

Let’s not pretend we’re not all on a constant weekend countdown…


2. There’s always one

Be honest, are you guilty of munching on seafood, eggs or leftover takeaway at your desk? If you are, the whole office has noticed and they aren’t thanking you for it.


3. We’ve all had that Ross moment

You spent a solid 15 minutes prepping your lunch the night before. It’s 11.45am and your stomach is rumbling. Noon hits and it’s instantly acceptable to run for your lunch. But you open the fridge door to find it’s not there. There’s literally nothing worse. Don’t be that person that turns someone hangry.


4. Slow and steady definitely doesn’t win the race

If you see it coming, run, run for your life. They certainly won’t stop for you, and they won’t even slow for you.


5. If it’s not on social media, did it even happen?

Don’t worry, your Facebook fans will still be around after the incident to hear about it.


6. Approach at your own peril

You might feign a smile. You might even stretch to saying good morning. But don’t even try to approach someone about anything work-related before they’ve had that sweet, sweet sip of their first caffeine dose.


7. There’s no excuse…

It takes literally seconds. Why wouldn’t you?!


8. Staying slim is not an option

If our office is anything to go by, health kicks are only for the very, very strong-willed.


9. Every workplace’s worst nightmare

No milk to top up your cuppa: the ultimate first world problem. Instant panic. Blank expressions. Just an all-round office frenzy. There really should be some sort of hotline for when it happens…


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