Over 1 million fit notes issued for mental health last year: How can small businesses cope?

As a small business owner, your people are key to your success. But employee mental health can be an incredibly challenging area to manage.

Knowing what to say or do – or whether to say or do anything – is a common concern, and one that many employers are facing on a more regular basis.

In recent years, mental health issues have surged. It’s a tough challenge for businesses of all sizes, but especially for smaller enterprises. In smaller businesses, anything that has an impact on employee morale, productivity, performance, and operations can have a much bigger impact on overall business performance than in larger businesses, and time and resources are often more stretched.

So, what can you do to cope? Let’s delve into why poor employee mental health is such a pressing issue and how you can turn the tide with the right support.

The statistics: A glimpse into the crisis

The numbers don’t lie – mental health issues are on the rise, and they’re hitting workplaces hard:

  • In 2023, mental health was the leading cause of long-term sickness absence (CIPD)
  • 1 million fit notes related to mental and behavioural disorders were issued by the NHS in the UK last year
  • 42% of these notes signed employees off work for a month or longer
  • Out of 10 million fit notes distributed, 4.5 million noted absences exceeding a month

The impact on small businesses

For small businesses, every team member counts. When an employee is struggling with their mental health, it reverberates through the entire company.

Absenteeism and productivity

Poor mental health leads to increased absenteeism. Employees who aren’t mentally well are more likely to take extended time off, significantly affecting productivity. With fewer staff members to shoulder the workload, remaining employees might face burnout, creating a vicious cycle.

Talent retention

Small businesses thrive on retaining top talent. When mental health isn’t adequately addressed, employees may leave for workplaces with better support systems. This turnover can be costly, both financially and in terms of knowledge and skills loss.

Workplace morale

A workplace where mental health isn’t prioritised becomes a breeding ground for low morale. Employees may feel unsupported, leading to disengagement and reduced overall job satisfaction.

Enter Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)

So, what’s the solution? How can you, as a small business owner, support your team’s mental wellbeing effectively? This is where Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) come into play.

As of recent surveys, 82% of businesses in the UK now provide an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). But what are they, and how do they help?

What are EAPs?

EAPs are designed to provide confidential support to employees dealing with personal or work-related issues that might affect their performance, health, and overall wellbeing. These programmes typically offer:

  • 24/7 phone support from qualified counsellors.
  • Counselling and lifestyle advice covering stress management, financial concerns, bereavement, family issues, and more.
  • Access to legal and financial support.
  • Unlimited online resources on various health and wellbeing topics.

How can you choose an EAP provider you can trust?

At Citation, we’ve teamed up with Bupa to offer an EAP that goes above and beyond. Here’s why it’s the perfect solution for your business:

  • Comprehensive support: Our EAP provides 24/7 confidential phone support, ensuring your team has access to help whenever they need it.
  • Qualified counsellors: Employees can speak to accredited counsellors from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
  • Tailored advice: From managing stress to financial advice, our programme covers a wide range of issues, providing practical, actionable guidance.
  • Enhanced wellbeing: With additional features like face-to-face counselling and support for child and elder care, our EAP Plus offers even more robust support options.

Around 75% of employees who utilised Bupa’s EAP reported that it prevented them from taking time off work*. And Deloitte research indicates a significant return on investment for mental health initiatives, with a return of £5 for every £1 spent on mental health support.

Investing in our EAP means you’re not just meeting your duty of care – you’re actively improving productivity, boosting job satisfaction, and fostering a supportive work environment.

Transform your workplace

The mental health of your employees is fundamental to the success of your small business. By acknowledging the challenges and taking steps to address them, you can create a healthier, happier, and more productive workplace. Our EAP is your key to unlocking this transformation.

Ready to make a positive change? Join us today and let’s build a brighter future for your business and your team. Simply fill in the form on this page to find out more.



*Bupa Customer Satisfaction Survey, 2017.

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