Latest News - People at work

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Right to Flexible Working Extended to All


The government has now extended the right to request flexible working to all employees who have 26 or more weeks’...

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Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Programmes


When selecting RPE, information such as the type of substance to be protected against, exposure levels and the type of...

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Greater fines given to Health & Safety breaches


This gave lower courts greater sentencing powers, including: The option to imprison offenders. The ability to increase fines for breaches...

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European Court Rules that Holiday pay should include lost commission


The ECJ came to the decision in the wake of the Lock vs. British Gas Trading Limited. Lock, who was...

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Irish Joint Labour Committee Orders signed


The constitutional position is that the Irish Constitution guarantees citizens the right of association, including the right to form unions....

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Shared parental leave – further details published


From April 2015 parents will be able to share 50 out of 52 weeks’ statutory leave and 37 out of...

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Illegal worker fines increase 50%


The number of fines issued shows a 50% increase in comparison to the previous 12 months, during which 1,216 penalties...

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Pension opt out expectation slashed


This takes its projection of new pensions savers as a result of auto-enrolment up from 8 Million to 9 Million....

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Are you sorted for Pension Auto-Enrolment?


The latest legislation means that every employer is required to automatically enrol their staff if they meet the following criteria:...

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