Workplace bullying and harassment are increasingly in the spotlight, with worrying stories of leaders failing to shield their employees. These issues can lead to disengaged staff, high turnover, poor productivity, and even tribunal claims.

As an employer, you might feel unsure about how to prevent bullying and harassment or handle incidents effectively when they arise. And with the government’s plans to strengthen the legal duty for employers to take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment, staying informed is more crucial than ever.

Join us on this on-demand session where we dived into all this and more, including:

  • What is harassment?
  • What are your obligations as an employer?
  • What about third-party behaviour?
  • Are you liable for a rogue employee’s unacceptable behaviour?
  • Where does the workplace end?
  • What ‘reasonable steps’ should you have in place?
  • Creating the right culture.


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About the speaker

Flora Neville

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