HR and Employment Law Advice Line Terms & Conditions
Citation Group Client, Partners and Prospective Clients HR and Employment Law Advice Line Terms & Conditions
These are the terms and conditions which apply to the Citation HR and Employment Law Advice Line for Group Clients, Partners and Prospective Clients. No other terms and conditions apply.
This does not form part of the terms and conditions of any other contractual relationship in place with the Citation Group or a Citation Partner.
Any marketing materials issued do not form part of the terms and conditions of use and are not legally binding.
- In these terms:
- words expressed in the singular include the plural and vice versa
- the clause headings do not form part of these terms and conditions and should not be taken into account in their construction or interpretation
- any phrase introduced by the term ’including’ ’include’ ‘in particular’ or any other similar expression will be construed as illustrative and will not limit the sense of the words so introduced.
- Definitions
- Citation Limited (“Citation”) is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 03097504.
- The Citation HR and Employment Law Advice Line for Group Clients, Partners and Prospective Clients (the “Advice Line”) is a telephone helpline available to Citation Group Clients, Members of Authorised Citation Partner organisations and Prospective Clients who have been authorised by Citation to have access to the advice line.
- Citation Group Clients (“Clients”) are businesses who have an active contract for services with a company within the Citation Group, including Citation ISO Certification, SMAS, iHASCO, uCheck, Citation Cyber, Food Alert, Disclosure and Timetastic.
- Authorised Citation Partners (“Partners”) are trade associations or other entities who have an active Partnership agreement in place with Citation and who have been authorised by Citation to offer access to the Advice Line to their members.
- Partner Members (“Members”) are businesses who have an active membership agreement in place with a Partner.
- Prospective Clients (“Prospects“) are businesses who have been authorised by Citation to have access to the Advice Line.
- The Advice Line
- The Advice Line is a telephone helpline available to Clients, Members and Prospects providing advice on Human Resources and Employment Law. It is unable to provide advice on any other area of law.
- Advice is provided by telephone alone and email advice, document support, document review and face to face services are all specifically excluded.
- The Advice Line is available Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm excluding Bank Holidays and the period of Christmas and New Year. Citation reserves the right to vary the hours of operation at any time.
- The Advice Line is only available to Clients, Members or Prospects based in the United Kingdom.
- Clients and Members are entitled to take 3 pieces of telephone advice in any rolling 12-month period. Citation reserves the right to vary this entitlement at any time.
- Prospects are entitled to take 1 piece of telephone advice. Citation reserves the right to vary this entitlement at any time.
- Advice will only be provided to the Member, Client or Prospect in their capacity as an employer. Personal advice is specifically excluded from this service.
- It is the sole responsibility of the Client, Member or Prospect to ensure that access to the Advice Line is only given to those individuals who are authorised to take advice on behalf of the business or organisation. Citation will assume that anyone contacting the Advice Line is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the Client, Member or Prospect.
- Exclusion of liability
- The Advice Line service is not covered by Citation’s advice guarantee.
- Citation will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, howsoever arising, for any damages or losses (including consequential or indirect losses or loss of profit) arising out of or in connection with any information given by the Advice Line.
- General
- Citation values the welfare of its employees and reserves the right to withdraw access to the Advice Line from any callers who behave inappropriately.
- Citation reserves the right to withdraw the Advice Line at any time without notice without any liability to Clients, Members, Partners or Prospects.
- Citation reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time by updating this page and Members, Clients and Prospects are advised to check this page on a regular basis as any such amendments will be binding upon them.
- Clients, Members and Prospects should provide all material information regarding the subject matter on which advice is sought and advice will be given based on the information provided.
- Telephone calls made to the Advice Line may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. By using the Advice Line, the caller consents to the recording of the call.
- Clients, Partners, Members and Prospects can find out more on how Citation will handle your data in their privacy notice https://www.citation.co.uk/citation-limited-privacy-information/ ; If you have any questions on queries regarding data protection or information security for the free advice line please contact Citation’s Data Protection Officer at DPO@citation.co.uk
- Should you have any concerns regarding the Advice Line service please, put this in writing and address it to: The Citation Group, Kings Court, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AR
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
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