Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Programmes 24.06.2014 By Susannah Peck When selecting RPE, information such as the type of substance to be protected against, exposure levels and the type of... Read the article
Greater fines given to Health & Safety breaches 16.06.2014 By Susannah Peck This gave lower courts greater sentencing powers, including: The option to imprison offenders. The ability to increase fines for breaches... Read the article
European Court Rules that Holiday pay should include lost commission 06.06.2014 By Susannah Peck The ECJ came to the decision in the wake of the Lock vs. British Gas Trading Limited. Lock, who was... Read the article
Irish Joint Labour Committee Orders signed 30.05.2014 By Susannah Peck The constitutional position is that the Irish Constitution guarantees citizens the right of association, including the right to form unions.... Read the article
Shared parental leave – further details published 27.05.2014 By Susannah Peck From April 2015 parents will be able to share 50 out of 52 weeks’ statutory leave and 37 out of... Read the article
Illegal worker fines increase 50% 25.04.2014 By Susannah Peck The number of fines issued shows a 50% increase in comparison to the previous 12 months, during which 1,216 penalties... Read the article
Pension opt out expectation slashed 17.04.2014 By Susannah Peck This takes its projection of new pensions savers as a result of auto-enrolment up from 8 Million to 9 Million.... Read the article
Are you sorted for Pension Auto-Enrolment? 08.04.2014 By Susannah Peck The latest legislation means that every employer is required to automatically enrol their staff if they meet the following criteria:... Read the article
12 months of ‘Fee for Intervention’ (FFI) 31.01.2014 By Susannah Peck The total level of fees invoiced for the second 6 months of this 12 month period represents a 16%... Read the article
David Cameron pledges to cut red tape for smaller businesses 29.01.2014 By Susannah Peck Mr Cameron added that he wishes to “get out the way of small business success.” The Prime Ministers government would... Read the article