Author: Susannah Peck

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DBS filtering of old and minor convictions and cautions

By Susannah Peck

This action is in response to the Court of Appeal judgment which stated that the disclosure of all cautions and...

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Single-tier pension from 2016

By Susannah Peck

The ending of contracting out is a key consequence of a single-tier pension system and will help to simplify the...

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‘Sweetheart agreements’ cannot defeat trade union recognition

By Susannah Peck

Boots Management Services Ltd had such an agreement with the Boots Pharmacists Association (BPA), a listed trade union, and tried...

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Caste discrimination

By Susannah Peck

The government voiced its opposition to the proposed amendment, favouring an education campaign instead, but the House of Lords concluded...

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Telecoms firms ordered to pay £100,000 NMW arrears

By Susannah Peck


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Costly breach of Agency Workers Regulations

By Susannah Peck

The Watford Tribunal determined that Barnet LBC had failed to provide information on the number of agency workers it employed...

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Consultation on administration of shared parental leave

By Susannah Peck

The consultation will look at how administering the new system will tie in with current arrangements for maternity/ adoption leave...

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The World Day for Safety and Health at Work

By Susannah Peck

The UK is a founding member of the ILO and so the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is fully supportive...

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New national minimum wage rates announced

By Susannah Peck

The apprentice rate (for apprentices under age 19, or age 19 and over but in the first year of their...

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