Employment laws under review 02.07.2012 For example, although the Coalition Government increased the qualifying service to bring an unfair dismissal claim to two years where... Read the article
Citation urges employers to prepare for “summer of sickies” 06.06.2012 With the Olympic Games starting in London just weeks after the UEFA European Championships in the Ukraine, UK industry is... Read the article
Recommendations in the Beecroft report to cut red tape should be welcomed 01.06.2012 It is also disappointing – if it is true – that the Prime Minister ‘doctored’ Beecroft’s findings in some... Read the article
2012 Olympics – Are you ready? 29.05.2012 So it is important that employers, by now, have planned for how they will manage their business throughout the Olympic... Read the article
All taxi drivers now eligible for enhanced CRB check 21.05.2012 The changes will help to simplify the system of criminal record checks, and provide reassurance to women and other vulnerable... Read the article
Government Seeks Views on Dismissal Rules 13.05.2012 Views are also requested on the idea of compensated no-fault dismissal for micro-businesses (those with fewer than 10 employees). Under... Read the article
Minimum Wage Frozen for Some 09.05.2012 Government ministers have accepted the Low Pay Commission’s recommendation that the rate for 16-17 year olds should remain at £3.68... Read the article
Knowledgebase Legal Update April 2012 16.04.2012 Whilst we hope that this will see the number of tribunal claims start to drop, employers should be mindful that... Read the article
Employment Judges hear unfair dismissal cases alone 06.02.2012 In the case of McCafferty v Royal Mail, Mr McCafferty, a postman with 19 years’ service with Royal Mail, was... Read the article